Friday, January 16, 2009

In the year of the scavenger

I've loved David Bowie since 1983, when I was in the third grade. Shan't bore you with the details, none of which are particularly original, I'd imagine--but one of the many reasons I hold him in such embarassingly high regard is his marketing genius. He sells it like the rent's due and makes you think it was effortless. And he flirts with you while he's doing it! Sigh. So anyway, my point was, imagine the utter delight that bloomed when I stumbled across this article, entitled 10 Creative Lessons From Bowie in Berlin. [As any Bowie fan will tell you, Everything Changed in Berlin. His Berlin period is often spoken of in the same hushed, reverent tones that some people reserve for discussions about Malcolm X going to Mecca.] The article very tidily sums up and dissects Bowie's moves during this pivotal period of time and suggests non-rock-star-life applications of the same strategies. Good stuff, and a great treat for Bowie dorks like me. Via When I Grow Up.


WhiteHotTruth said...

great article. love this bit: #7. Trust Your Curiosity. I saw Bowie in Vancouver a hundred years ago. He was on stage with La La Human Steps. It was religious.
Your fellow Bowie-phile,

Emma said...

Now why am I not surprised to learn that you're a Bowie-phile, Danielle? Hmmm... =)

Clementina said...

My husband is dark. Bowie is blond. My husband is robust. Bowie is so light a wind can carry him off. And yet, my husband signs his name "Bowie" whenever he gives me a sweet card.
By the way, no wonder we are kindrid spirits--Alvarez is my maiden name, too!

Emma said...

Oh my goodness on both counts, Traductorcita! We must discuss this further! When you have a few momentitos, escríbeme, ¿nó?

whenigrowupcoach said...

You gave me a shout-out! Sweet.