Monday, February 02, 2009

The OSI Interview: Dylan Chorneau

Dylan Chorneau is a painter and photographer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. His work in both mediums grabs me primarily because of two things: a) the very textural quality they each possess, transcending their inherent lack of a third dimension; and b) the very real affection and respect for his subjects that comes through in each of the pieces. I'm a far cry from an art critic, obviously--but I know genuine when I see it. Dylan is the real deal.

1. In the context of your work, which bits of minutiae matter most?
Photo: The moment that the shutter fires is the the single most important detail. Anyone can take a great photo if they press the button at the right time.
Paint: Having facility with the viscosity of the paint is really important. If I'm going to make that stuff do what I want it to do, I have to know how it moves; or know how to make it move the way that I like.

2. Which bits matter least?
Photo: Material choices, what film, what camera to use, etc. don't really matter if the content is there (and sufficient light).
Paint: I hate writing my signature on the front of a painting.

3. In the context of your life, what types of minutiae once seemed important, but have since fallen by the wayside? Why?
Photo: I used to constantly check the light of a scene with my light meter. People move and things change quickly so I'm better off guessing and shooting than checking for nothing.
Paint: There are a lot of little intellectual things that arise while painting that need to be dismissed. If I get bogged down with "problem solving" minutiae, I know I'm working too hard in my head and not enough with my heart.

4. What types of minutiae, if any, have you had to train yourself to pay closer attention to?
Photo: I've been trying to memorize an expanded version of the "sunny 16" rule. This is a system for judging light values.
Paint: Oil paints are not just colors, they're organic and inorganic compounds. So you have to remember the things you like and dislike about the way the pigments interact with each other and how to come up with new and interesting combinations.

5. Just for kicks -- what are your favorite bits of minutiae (personal, from a book, a piece of music, moment in a movie, etc.)?
I like looking at old pieces of metal (hammers, coins, buckles, etc.) and inspecting it's tiny nicks and scrapes. Each mar is a moment in time for that object. In my mind, when you give an object history, you give it a life. This is the basis for my art. See anthropomorphism.

Thank you, Mr. Chorneau! Really looking forward to stalking you further on Flickr. I mean--ahem, moving on...

Is there someone whose musings on minutiae you are simply DYING to know? Tell me about it and I'll see what I can do for you!


michael.offworld said...

Thanks for this link. I'm going to look at his Flickr more. On first glance, his photos seem painterly and almost gothic in atmosphere. Interesting light.

Emma said...

Thanks, Michael, I'm sure he'd love to hear what you think of his work.