Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lunchtime Gratitude

1. Good friends who take you as you are, hold your hand and help you be a better person.

2. My mom's beef and vegetable soup, the elixir to cure what ails you. Bonus: perfectly-cooked corn on the cob bits that explode on impact.

3. It's so cold outside, and I am so safe and warm inside.

4. The excellent hummus we get on a near-weekly basis, made locally in small batches and amazing flavors (like curry!).

5. My BFF comes home tomorrow, for three weeks!

6. Luke, last night, after we'd decorated our wee potted pine tree, throwing his arms in the air and squealing, Mama! It's CHRISTMAS in here!

7. Sitting at the table at 6 a.m. today, just H and me and our cups of coffee, talking and laughing until the tears streamed down my face.

Blessed beyond measure, and don't I know it.

What are you grateful for?